Saturday, October 18, 2008

On The Tuesdays And Thursdays Bookshelf : Bottlemania by Elizabeth Royte

"With sales having already surpassed those of milk and beer, and second now only to soda, bottled water is on the verge of becoming the most popular beverage in the country. Only now, with the bottled water industry trading in billions of dollars, have we begun to question the environmental and social fall out of what we're drinking."
"Elizabeth Royte finds the people, machines, economies, and cultural trends that bring bottled water from nature to our supermarkets. As she visits filtration plants and natural springs, Royte lays out the issues that surround the seemingly simple matter of what we ought to drink: Who owns the water that flows underground, and is it right for corporations to profit from it? How do the manufacture, transportation, and disposal of plastic water bottles affect the environment? Is the stuff coming from our taps okay to drink? If not, what can we do to make our water safe and tasty? And while everyone acknowledges that we must protect public water supplies from pollution, what should we do about privatization?"--BOOK JACKET.

Bottlemania is one of those books that not only left us in shock because something so simple and necessary for life, water, has become a commodity, but also many resouces including oil are used to bring us "branded water." We're all about making ordinary days extraordinary, but the folks who bring us bottled water have taken that concept to an extreme. (So run out to the local Barnes and Noble and pick up a copy today; and in the meantime, spend a little of that money that eventually would have been flushed in our store - 'cause we really make ordinary days extraordinary!)

Tuesdays and Thursdays - Making Ordinary Days Extraordinary

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