Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Model T

"Whether You Think You Can, Or Think You Cannot, Either Way You Are Right" - Henry Ford It's funny how we are truly able to create our own reality, not creating castles in the sky fantasy creation, but the important things, like being happy, feeling good about the things around us. Spending the day in bed, glued to the television, is not going to change how we feel, or what we become. It is by thinking about the possibilities, formulating them in our minds world, then going out and doing them - that is what will create change.

Growing up we've all seen students who were determined to go to University, they didn't know which schools they would attend, most didn't have a clue where the money would come from, and despite set backs along the way, they persevered. Somehow in adulthood we lose that blind ambition, that chasing after a goal that is in the distance.

Lectures about 'being dreamers' or 'being practical' from family members distract us, our desire to not step too far outside the box reigns in our dreams - often too much, our own need for approval leads to self doubt. All of that needs to be ignored. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can. We have the power within us to do it.

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