Monday, April 14, 2008

Jeero Finds His Solmate

Jeero tagged along for my visit to the International Gift Fair in New York City and found his soulmate in Solmate socks!

Solmates are colorful mismatched socks for adults, children, and babies from Vermont's socklady and soon will be featured at Tuesdays And ThursdaysSpunk, color and a conscience! There are so many reasons to love these mismatched socks. For one, they are an American-made product: the yarns are dyed, spun and knit at small, family-owned businesses here in the US.

Here's the part I love - from the very start, Solmate cotton socks have always been knit using recycled cotton yarns. These yarns are recovered from the production of other cotton products (mainly t-shirts), and re-blended with other fibers and spun into yarns for Solmate Socks. Reduce reuse recycle - woo hoo!!
While Jeero loves them for the colors, the story behind the company is what knocked my socks off (okay, not literally since I am so often in flip flops) - making new and wonderful things from discards, how awesome and inspiring is that. It's a lesson we can take with us everywhere we go!

Tuesdays and Thursdays - Making Ordinary Days Extraordinary

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